Saturday, 28 November 2009

Captioned picture Saturday!

!poohwadpoohS | Shoopdawhoop!

Random pics I love!!!!!!!!!!

Why, no. I am not on drugs. Why do you ask?
Aye, tis' a lazy day.
Aye, i'm not sure i 'member what i did tuesday last.

I like milk. But you can't eat it. Even if you could, I'm not sure I'd want to. I'd probably throw it out. Or throw it up.


Thursday, 26 November 2009

Da Kine Thursday EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Da kine day to y'all!!!! (By the by, da kine means "The best")
Coolies! This post iz for my v. good m8 Abi Fabbi! At her request...
Funny pics!!!!!!!! (I don't care if you don't find them funny! Don't read the blog then!)

Oh Fabbi look!! It's you!!! Oh, God! And me, and Mads....wel that was one hell of a night...

I'm scared of fairies...they live with plants...there's something wrong about that...

I love Santa!!! But there's something odd about wanting small children to sit on your knee when your 59...

My Christmas iz always like this...aye, the turkey goes mad and trys to kill a dead naked baby...

Believe it or not this ISN'T a mirror!!!



(By the by it writting at the bottom says: Hello. I'm Jerry and I'm an Alcoholic.)

Yeah. I'll just wait outside...

I case you can't see this one says: I'd really apreciate it if you wore pants more often...
This picture is dedicated to my father.

Okay. Last wierd pic.

Hold on!! That's my underwear!!! Just kidding. I don't wear underwear.
C ya!!!!!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Tumbleweed Tuesday

Tuesday, I hate! Yoda, I talk like...wierd, this is...

Austin Powers. Goldmember. Awesome! Things I like!!!!!!!!!!!! So there! BOOYAR!!!!!!!!!

Goldmember! Shoopdawhoop! OMG this iz sooo funny!!! MOOOOOLLLLLEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Sims2! Not the Sims3 though! Iz rubbish!

CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! OMG!! Yummy!

Anime! God in heaven I love anime!

This random funkey mushroom!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding! I don't take drugs! No. Really. I don't.

Love y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Soaked Sunday

HELLO PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what up?  I don't really care...

EWWWW!!!!!!!!!! Twilight New Moon! No! Wait! I've done that....

Let me see........ Zac Effron. No. Twilight. Nope. Anime. Negatory. Doors, Cheese, Zig Zag Hair Styles. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Cute lil' Dinosaurs! 'GASP'

YAY!!!! (yes caps lock iz on to emphasize my inspiration, what's your point?!?)
My fav lil' cartoon dinosaurs!!

Except the top one...that one iz creepy...

Okeydokey my lil' flyin' monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what?

Me to...

That's a child. With Zig Zag Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The end is here!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

I MISSED FRIDAY!!!! (Stupid Saturday)

!dreiw si dloH !!!olleH
!ti seog ereH !tup I tahw daer uoy os sdrawkcab epyt ot deen nnog m'I
Anywho! EWWWW! Twilight New Moon!!!!!!!!!

         The ginger girl can be me! ^
(Pictures not owned by me)

That might've been the best thing I have ever seen!
Let's make fun of Twilight some more!

To avoid any hate mail...

CAPS LOCK ON TO EMPHESIZE MY RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I gotta say, well done for being successful even though it has no proper plot or connections with the characters!

(Disclaimer: No copy right intented. Pictures not owned by me in any of my posts.)

Can someone tell my why my internet home page has Mario on it. (MSN) Marios wierd. I'm more of a Sonic The Hedgehog fan. As my friends might know. SONIC'S SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

'faints onthe floor'


Eggman creeps me out. He looks like some kind of wierdo Hitler....

I'd like to make a SPECIAL annoucement:
To SallyWally.
From MizzKitten.
On the 21st-22nd Nov
Hiya SallyWally! I hope you have the best time ever and have a fantastic day! Love you!
Also, a special thanks to everyone who made your day as happy as possible! Oreo!

Thursday, 19 November 2009

The Thursdays...

Well, well, well... look who it isn't, my fans! :-(
Okay. People who have stumbled randomly onto my blog, todays post is about things I find annoying/ things I hate/ things is would rather eat, vomit up and eat and eat again then see one more time. YAY!

1. Thing I REALLY hate...
Zac Effron


Green Cheese

Open Doors

Zig Zag Hair Cuts

Can't be bothered to do any more.
Please comment, I'm lonely here with all my furniture and purchased items!