Monday, 16 November 2009

Mundane Monday

Heya there people! In case you a) didn't know b) chose to forget c) live by the rule "refuse to acknowledge the monday therefore the monday cannot acknowledge you." or d) all of the above, it's Monday.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate Mondays so much that i'm gonna stop capitalising the first letter of Monday. monday. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
By God i'm lonely! Nobaby reads my blog! You'll send me MAD!!! Please, if anyone's reading, tell your friends! I'll do anything! Well, actually I won't. But tell people anyway. I do try to be amusing,<------LIES!!

My Day: The total **** of my day started when I woke up. I have to get on a bus to get into town, I waited, it the wind and rain until one finally appeared, I indicated that I would like to get onto the approaching bus, it sailed past me. This made me sad. So I got a taxi into town with this random french taxi driver. He was sweet, and funny. He didnt seem to speak English very well, and couldn't see the funny side of the way he pronouced "Ship".
It rained. On a monday. I was cold.
You're ether feling sorry for me or laughing. :-( But at least you're reading this!
 My cat peed on my bag.



  1. helllllllllllo? cats rule!

  2. oh, dis is hippy by the way! :-)

  3. Yay!, Im just starting on ya comments, I think your lonely without em! hippy's rule!
    but seriously, dont dis twilight! x x x

    Hippy! *_*

  4. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE ENOTHER PAGE!!!!!!

    hippy ;-D
