Tuesday, 15 December 2009

10 Days To Go Tuesday

10 days 'till Christmas!!!!!
I should probably start buying people prezzies soon...
For those of my v. small audience that've already got all their gifts for people I'd like to know what's wrong with you!!!! Christmas is a time for rushing to the shops the day before they close, for stuffing your faces with cheap chocolate, for embassing knitted jumpers and sprouts!!! NOT for organisation!


OMG!!! I LOVE BUGS BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to never viewing christmas in the same way ever again...

This looks a little like flamesthebad...(The kid not Santa!)

I don't want to know about Santa's Male Box!!!
OH! Santa's MAIL Box!! Right! You scared me there...

Hangovers: Santa gets 'em too...

(And with all that free alcohol that children kindly leave out who could blame him!)

That's all folks!!!

(By the by, No copyright intended. All picture belong to their rightful owners.)
BY THE BY!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. just so ya know, that Xfactor vote thingey is well out of date! you could say witch was the most fittest guy there! but I think we know who will win.......

    Abz ;-P
